water-disinfection.de - Wasserdesinfektion-Hotels

Water Disinfection

for Hotels

For many tourists and hotel guests the quality of tab water is of high importance. Many European tourists are concerned about possible gastrointestinal diseases, if they travel to destination beyond Western Europe. Regardless of whether these concerns are justified or unjustified, they have a direct impact on the profitability of a hotel operation. Tourists are more inclined to repeatedly visit a destination if they know that the tap water is clean and healthy, and there isn´t any health risk while showering and brushing their teeth. They will opt for a hotel where hygiene and health of guests are high on the agenda and communicated to them.

Water Disinfection in Hotels

Many hotels have warning signs in the bathrooms with the message "No drinking water”. Some hotels provide free bottled water for their guests, resulting in cost and require a logistical effort. For guests who are accustomed to drink tap water, it is unusual and uncomfortable, for example or even irritating of they are used to brush their teeth using tap water.

Having central water disinfection for the water supply of the entire resort creates a considerable competitive advantage and dispels one of the main concerns of Western tourists.  Instead of signs stating “No drinking water” hotels can have signs in their bathrooms stating: DRINKING WATER! Hotels can tell its guests that they are taking their concerns serious, that it guests health and well being is very important to them. That tap water is safe to drink, 100% safe and disinfected through the use of German water disinfection technology. Guests can use it safely for drinking and personal hygiene.

Installation Steigenberger Hotel

Overview Cost Reduction Potentials for Hotels

  • Cost reductions for disinfection of the kitchen area can be realized. Cleaning food with tap water becomes possible.
  • Complaints, or even claims for compensation because of bacterial infections - whether founded or unfounded – can be avoided.
  • If a clinic or doctor is at the hotel, demand will be reduced.
  • If the central disinfected water in a hotel is also used for existing pools, the need and cost of a separate disinfection can be eliminated.
  • REDO Disinfection Technology leads to a feel-good factor in the pool, since eye irritation by chlorine and dangerous disinfection by-products (THMs) are avoided.
  • REDO installations have low operational costs and require low maintenance.
  • Complimentary bottled water can be reconsidered since the tap water is safe to drink. Bottled water can be source of revenue instead of being a cost factor.  The logistical for procurement of bottled water will be reduced.

Contact Sales: Mr. Torsten Kiesau 0049 (0) 69 716 77 600 or tkiesau@inwasol.com


Clean Water Fund

INWASOL and the Clean Water Fund have developed a special solution for water projects:

Due to a strong partnership with the Clean Water Fund, INWASOL is not only able to provide its customers with an innovative German water disinfection technology, but also with several financing solutions.

We are looking forward to your inquiry. There is a suitable solution for every customer.

